The 24 Project | 01: Holding Doors For Girls

The 24 Project is a year-long writing challenge I began on my 24th birthday. To learn more, head over here. Otherwise, Read on!

Always hold doors for girls.

That is the earliest piece of fatherly wisdom my dad bestowed upon me that I can recall. Hold doors for girls. I’m not even sure he gave me any reasoning for this but, being six years old, I started holding doors for girls.

When you’re a three and a half foot tall kid with a bowl haircut and giant glasses, you get nothing but smiles when hold doors for girls. And that’s what I remember the most. Not the struggle of pushing those doors open, or the Herculean effort of then holding that door in place, but the smiles. Smiles of confusion, then surprise, then simple joy, laughter and thanks. And, pretty quickly, I didn’t need my dad to tell me to go do it, or to push me towards the door. I went and did it on my own, because I loved seeing those smiles. Continue reading