Games We Play: Flappy Bird

I picked a heck of a day to start playing Flappy Bird. Just minutes after my first annoyed time with it, I read of its imminent removal from app stores.

Insert “Floppy Bird” joke here, I suppose.

If you know what a smartphone is, you probably already have heard about Flappy Bird. It’s mobile game in which you play as a bird, whose goal is to fly between sets of large green pipes across over a flat, grass-covered pixelated world. It’s a simple concept, and the game has absolutely exploded in popularity since the beginning of the year, sitting on top of the iOS free app charts.

But here’s the thing about Flappy Bird: It’s kind of a terrible game, almost inarguably so. And not for the rampant visual “inspirations” it takes from other games. No, Flappy Bird’s flaw is the way it approaches it’s difficulty. Not simply that it IS difficult, but how and why it is difficult. Continue reading