The 24 Project | Prologue

So I’m 24 now, I guess.

I know it’s just another number, marking another day, another year. But 24 seems like a number of some significance. More, at least, than 23, or even 22 (despite what Taylor Swift may be feeling). 24 lies just on the far side of “early twenties” – after college, after the first floundering experiments with a real career, at the point where Life tires of standing against the tree with eyes closed, and says “Ready or not, here I come”.

Should it be long, somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of my life now lies behind me. In that time, I’ve made enough mistakes to finally begin learning some lessons. About family, relationships, God, video games, and everything in between. And I would like to share some of them with you.

Over the next 12 months, I’m going to write 24 posts: stories, lessons, or pieces of wisdom I’ve picked up in the two dozen years I have under my belt. My words may not contain things you should necessarily try to duplicate in your own life, and I can’t even say that they will prove entirely true for everyone. But these 24 stories, these 24 lessons, have been important to the shaping of my character, pointing me toward the person I want to continue to grow into. My hope is that each of these posts will resonate with you in some way, however small, and provide some encouragement when you find yourself in situations of your own.

It’s gonna be good year. Let’s get started.

01 | Holding Doors for Girls

02 | The Eliminated Dish

03 | Emotional Correctness

04 | This Boat Will Definitely Float

2 thoughts on “The 24 Project | Prologue

  1. Pingback: The 24 Project | 01: Holding Doors For Girls | Message Perceived

  2. Pingback: The 24 Project | 02: The Eliminated Dish | Message Perceived

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